Welcome to MY World

Mitsuko Yamura

M.S. Program in Computational Linguistics
Department of Linguistics
Georgetown University
Washington, D.C. 20057


MY Name

The kanji, Chinese characters, for my name are: 'light' for mitsu, 'child' for ko, 'house' for ya and 'village' for mura. So my name altogether means ' a light child in a house in the village.'

MY Background

An experienced EFL teacher and member of JALT (the Japan Association for Language Teaching), with a B.A. in English and American Literature from Hiroshima Jogakuin College, went to Tokyo in the summer of 1992, when "practice" met "theory" in Dr. James E. Alatis's Methodology of Teaching English as a Foreign Language course, and obtained a Certificate in TESL from Georgetown University, in 1994.

A dynamic EFL teacher co-presented a paper Instructors' Cross-Cultural Effectiveness as a Model for Predeparture and Reentry Programs at the JALT Southwest Region International Conference on Language Teaching, May 1995, with Alisa Woodring, Hiroshima Shudo University.

An ambitious EFL teacher came to Georgetown University for an M.A.T. degree, leaving her stable career, in the fall of 1995, when "linguistic theory" met "computer science" in Dr. Catherine N. Ball's Introduction to Computational Linguistics course.

An excited and enlightened linguistics student is currently pursuing an M.S. degree in Computational Linguistics, hoping to work in this field, when back home, in the future. A computational part of her has been acquainted with the UNIX operationg system and gained programming skills in Perl , GLISP, and C/C++ . A linguistic part of her is now fascinated by the logical, but mysterious world of Formal Semantics, and Japanese Syntax/Discourse.

MY Languages

A native speaker of Japanese, she is fluent both in Standard Japanese, and the Hiroshima dialect, but only when with hometown friends, and has some knowledge of French.

MY Home Town

An international peace city, Hiroshima, is also known for its delicious oysters and Okonomiyaki which I now miss more than anything else!

MY Interests

A Mac fan and Internet freak is regularly exchanging information with the members of Genesys, Internet users group, and Ann Net, Mac users group, both in Hiroshima, via e-mail, across the Pacific.

A would-be vet in her childhood loves animals and enjoys exploring the Animal Kingdom on the web, including Sounds of the World's Animals.

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Last updated on January 22, 1997