Measuring Global Flow of Funds and Financial Network: Shock Dynamics and Propagation”, 2023科研費シンポジウム, 「データサイエンスにおける統計的理論・方法論の新展開」, 2023 11 13 -14 , 九州大学

"Strategic Challenges of Decoupling for China and the United States: Focus on the Global Flow of Funds", 神戸大学金融研究会, 20231021

"Strategic Challenges of Decoupling for China and the United States: Focus on the Global Flow of Funds", Workshop 北京大学国家发展研究院, 2023915

"The Impact of China-US Decoupling on the Global Economy and Its Countermeasures: Focus on the Global Flow of Funds", 経済統計学会 2023年度(67)全国研究大会, 2023年9月8日

"The mirror-image between China-US in the Global Flow of Funds", 国際経済学会第 81回 全国大会, 2022年10月2日

" 国際資金循環における中国と米国の構造変化(経済統計学会第 66回 (2022年度 全国研究大会), 2022年9月7日

"国際資金循環と金融ネットワーク分析", 経済統計学会第65 (2021年度)全国研究大会, 2021年10月17日         

 "Measuring Global Flow of Funds: Who-to-whom Matrix and Financial Network", 36th IARIW General Conference, Aug. 26, 2021.  

 "Measuring Global Flow of Funds: Dynamics of Portfolio Investment among G-20 countries", 日本金融学会202年度春季全国大会, 2021年30日            

"国際資金循環の計測:G-20 を中心として", 日本金融学会西日本部会 2020 年度第2回例会, 2021年3月14日

"Data on Global Flow of Funds and its Analysis Methods",
  Seminar on Statistical Innovation and Development. Invited Speaker,
  Southwestern university of finance and economics, Dec. 28-29, 2019.

"Measuring Global Flow of Funds: Focus on Cross-Border Bank Credit" Workshop, Tsinghua China Data Center, November 1, 2019.

 "Measuring Global Flow of Funds: Focus on Portfolio investments between G-20"
  6th Annual Conference of the Society for Economic Measurement, Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany, August 16-18, 2019.

“Statistical Observations Mentioned in Chinese Flow of Funds: 1992-2017”, Invited Speaker,
  Workshop at Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. March 25, 2019.

 “Measuring Global Flow of Funds: A Case Study on China, Japan and the United States”, Invited Speaker,
  The 7th annual conference of China Statistics, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanchang, China. November
, 2018.

 “Measuring Global Flow of Funds: A Case Study on China, Japan and the U.S.”, Invited Speaker,

  “Measuring Global Flow of Funds: A Case Study on China, Japan and the United States”,
経済統計学会2018年(第62回)全国研究大会, 和歌山大学, 20189. 

 “Measuring Global Flow of Funds: A Case Study on the U.S., Japan and China”,
  IARIW 35th General Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 20-25, 2018.

 “Measuring Global Flow of Funds: A Case Study on the U.S., China and Japan”,
  the Society for Economic Measurement (SEM)'s 2018 Conference, at Xiamen University, China, June 8-10, 2018.


 "Measuring Global Flow of Funds: A Case Study on China, Japan and the U.S.", Invited Speaker,
Seminar at SFRA, China. March 26, 2018.

「中国資金循環統計の現状」, Invited Speaker, 慶応大学産業研究所,
「資金循環分析の国際的応用への基礎研究」研究会、日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所、Sep. 20, 2017.

 "Measuring Global Flow of Funds: Statistical Framework, Data Sources, and a Country Case", Invited Speaker
慶応大学産業研究所, 「資金循環分析の国際的応用への基礎研究」研究会、日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所、Sep. 20, 2017.

"Measuring Global Flow of Funds: Statistical Framework, Data Sources, and a Country Case",
年度 統計関連学会連合大会, 201793-6.

"A Statistical Method and Application for Measuring Global Flow of Funds", Invited Speaker,
年中国応用统计学会年会, 83-4.

"Measuring Global Flow of Funds: Statistical Framework, Data Sources, and a Country Case",
The Society for Economic Measurement 2017 - 4th Annual Conference at MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, July 26-28, 2017.

"Measuring Global Flow of Funds: Statistical Framework, Data Sources, and a Country Case", Invited Speaker,
Workshop at Fudan University, May 18, 2017.

 "Measuring Global Flow of Funds: Statistical Framework, Data Sources, and a Country Case",
日本金融学会国際金融部会, 201748.

 “Measuring Global Flow of Funds: Statistical Framework, Data Sources, and a China's Case”,
  Keynote Speaker. The 6th annual conference of China Statistics, Beijing Normal University,
   Beijing, China.
October 29-30, 2016.


 “Financial Stress Test: A Case Study in China”. Invited speaker.
  2016 First Seoul-Tokyo-Stanford Workshop on Financial Statistics and Risk Management,
  Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, April 1st ~ 2nd, 2016

 “Financial Stress Testing Based on the GFF Viewpoint: A Case Study in China”, Invited speaker.
rkshop on Financial Stress Index, Renmin University of China, March 27, 2016.
  “Measuring Global Flow of Funds: Theoretical Framework, Data Sources and Approaches”

 “The Global Financial Crisis: Implication for Monetary and Financial Statistics”, Invited lecture.
  Advanced Course on Monetary and Financial Statistics,
  Statistics Department of the IMF in Dalian, China, August 17-28, 2015

  "A New Statistical Framework for Measuring Global Flow of Funds", Organizer.
   60th World Statistics Congress, In Rio, 26-31 July 2015.

  Measuring Global Flow of Funds and Integrating Real and Financial Accounts, Speaker.
  2015 IARIW-OECD Conference: W(h)ither the SNA? Paris, April 16-17, 2015.

 "An Index of Financial Stress for China: The method and application”, Keynote Speaker
  the 25th Annual Conference of China Society of Business Statistics,
  Guangxi University of Finance and Economics (August 2014)

  “Measuring China's economic performance”, Special Topic Session, Organizer.
  59th World Statistics Congress, Hong Kong (25 – 30 August 2013)

 “Measuring the Ripple Effect of the Supply and Demand of Funds in Chinese Economy:
  By Financial Input-Output Table", Invited speaker, Beijing Normal University (March 2013)

 A New Framework for Measuring Global Flow of Funds: Financial Stability in China
32nd IARIW General Conference, Boston, USA, August, 2012
 経済統計学会第55回全国研究大会, 中央大学、2011914-15

 Simultaneous-Equations Model for Global-Flow-Funds”
  ISI 2011 World Statistics Congress, August 21st-26th 2011, Dublin, August, 2011

 New Frameworks for Measuring Global Flow of Funds. Keynote Speaker
 Symposium on Modern Statistical Theory and its Application,
 Renmin University of China,
July 5th-6th 2011,
 A Statistical Model on the External Flow of Funds, Keynote Speaker
The 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Business Management,
 Wuhan University, March, 2011

 Structural Equation Modeling on Global Flow of funds Analysis

 Simultaneous-Equations Model for Global Flow of Funds Analysis
The 10th China-Japan Symposium on Statistics,
 Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,
October, 2010.

 What Happened in China’s External Flow of Funds?
 International Conference China and the Global Economy:
 Economic Integration and
Protectionism, Research Center for International Economics,
 The University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, Jun, 2010


  "The Changes of External Flow of Funds Between China and the U.S. in Post Financial Crisis"
  The International Conference on China and World Economy in Post Crisis.
  Southeast University in conjunction with China Society of World Economics (CSWE)
   Nanjing, China, 21-22 November, 2009.



  "The Mirror Image of External Flow of Funds between China and the U.S.
   -Prospective From Global Flow of Funds Analysis as the Main Focus-"
   International Symposium on the Global Financial Crisis.
   Peking University, Beijing, China, April 2009.

  International Statistics Forum 2008, Keynote speaker
   "An Analysis Model of Global-Flow-of-Funds in East Asia" (Beijing, June 2008)


  The 56th Session of the International Statistical Institute,
  “The Theoretical Model for Analysis of Global Flow of Funds”, (Lisbon, Portugal, Aug. 2007)

  “中日経済的比較与展望-国際資金循環分析的理論模型与応用-",(中国广州, 2007.5

”The Theoretical Model and Application of Global Flow of Funds Analysis”,(日本広島,2006.11)

  International Statistics Forum 2006,
   “The Global Flow of Funds in Empirical Model Analysis” (Beijing, June 2006)


  中日経済統計専家会議, 国際資金循環分析的理論模型与応用(中国杭州,2005.10)

  The 11th International Conference of Northeast Asian Area,
   “The Composition of the Global Flow of Funds in East Asia”, (Changchun, China, Aug. 2004)


"The Composition of The Global Flow of Funds in East Asia" , (日本京都, 2003.10)

  The 54th Session of the International Statistical Institute,
“Statistical Analysis of the Flow of Funds in East Asia”, (Germany, Aug. 2003)

  日本金融学会2002年度大会, 「東アジアの資金循環と今後の方向」(日本神戸,2002.11

1990年代の東アジアにおける過剰な資金フローに関する統計分析」,(日本札幌, 2002.9

  The 9th Annual Global Finance Conference,
The East Asian Funds Flows and Chinese Overseas Fund Flows”, (Beijing, May 2002)

  The Asian Financial Crisis and External Flow of Funds of  China”, Workshop at East Asian Institute,
   Columbia University, New York,
Dec. 2001

  Organizing Committee Co-Chars,
2000 International Conference on Information Society in the 21st Century (Aitsu,Japan, Nov. 2000)

    「90年代における中国の対外資金循環」 (日本大阪, 2000.9)

  第3日中経済統計国際会議, 「アジア金融危機と中国の資金循環」, (中国嘉興,1999.10)


資金循環”,  (中国統計学会, 中国・五当山, 1999.8)

  北京大学100周年学校慶学術会議, “亜州金融危機股市変動的実証分析”,
    (北京大学, 1998.5

  香港・内陸21世紀金融市場発展国際研討会, “中国経済的資金循環与香港的国際金融市場”,
北京大学・香港城市大学, 北京,1997.8)