
  1. Kouhei Iyori,
    "An Appliation of Cellular Automata to the Oligopolisitic Market",
    New Solutions in Legal Informatics, Economic Sciences and Mathematics, M. Kitahara and K. Okamura (eds.), Kyushu University Press, pp.47-58, 2015.
  2. 井寄幸平、
    経済科学研究, 第18巻第1号, pp.23-36, 2014.
  3. 井寄幸平、
    経済科学研究, 第13巻第1号, pp.23-37, 2009.
  4. Kouhei Iyori,
    "Prisoner's Dilemma Network: Experiments and Simulations",
    System Sciences for Economics and Informatics, S. Hiraki and M. Sakaguchi (eds.), Kyushu University Press, pp.35-49, 2007.
  5. Kazuhito Ogawa, Kouhei Iyori, and Sobei H. Oda,
    "A Price Competition Experiment Between Middleman: Linear Function Case",
    Developments on Experimental Economics: New Approaches to Solving Real-World Problems, Sobei H. Oda (ed.), Springer, pp.245-250, 2007.
  6. 井寄幸平、
    経済科学研究, 第10巻第2号, pp.57-69, 2007.
  7. Kazuhito Ogawa, Kouhei Iyori, and Sobei H. Oda,
    "Price Competition Between Middlemen: An Experimental Study",
    Gaming, Simulations, and Society: Research Scope and Perspective, Shiratori, Arai, and Kato (eds.), Springer, pp.59-68, 2005.
  8. 井寄幸平、鳩野逸生、小田宗兵衛、上田完次、
    システム制御情報学会論文誌,第16巻第9号pp468-475, 2003.
  9. Sobei H. Oda, Kouhei Iyori, Ken Miura and Kanji Ueda,
    "The application of cellular automata to the consumer's theory: simulating a duopolistic market" ,
    Simulated Evolution and Learning, B. McKay, X. Yao, C. S. Newton, J-H. Kim and T. Fruhashi (eds.), Springer, pp. 454-461, 1999.
  10. Sobei Sobei H. Oda, Kouhei Iyori, Ken Miura and Kanji Ueda,
    “The Application of Cellular Automata to the Theory of Consumers' Learning and Behavioral Interdependence” ,
    Complex Systems 98, Complexity International vol.6, 1999.


  1. Kazuhito Ogawa, Kouhei Iyori, and Sobei H. Oda,
    "Price Competition Between Price Setting Middleman: in the Laboratory Setting” ,
    International Conference on Experiments in Economic Sciences, Kyoto Sangyo University, Kyoto, Japan, December 2004.
  2. Kouhei Iyori and Sobei H. Oda,
    "Prisoner's Dilemma Network: its experiments and simulations" ,
    The International ESA meeting, University of Pittsburgh, PA USA, 19-22 June 2003.
  3. Kouhei Iyori, Itsuo Hatono, Sobei H. Oda and Kanji Ueda,
    "The Emergence of Cooperative Behaviour in the Prisoner's Dilemma Network: Simulations and Experiments" ,
    The Sixth International Conference on Complex Systems (CS02), Chuo University, Tokyo Japan, 9-11 September 2002, in Proceedings of The Sixth International Conference on Complex Systems (CS02), A. Namatame, D. Green, Y. Aruke and H. Sato (eds.), pp.134-140.
  4. Kouhei Iyori, Itsuo Hatono, Sobei H. Oda and Kanji Ueda,
    "The Emergence of Cooperative Behaviour in the Prisoner's Dilemma Network” ,
    The Ninth Joseph A Schumpeter Society Conference, The University of Florida, FL, USA, 27-30 March 2002.
  5. Kouhei Iyori, Itsuo Hatono, Sobei H. Oda and Kanji Ueda,
    “An application of the market microstructure theory to markets for recyclable products” ,
    EcoDesign 2001, the Second International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, Tokyo, Japan, 12-15 2001, in The Proceedings of EcoDesign 2001, pp.595-600.


  1. 井寄幸平、小川一仁、小田宗兵衛、
    合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2007 (JAWS 2007)、沖縄コンベンションセンター、 2007年10月29-31日。
  2. 小川一仁、井寄幸平、
    2006年度進化経済学会サマースクール『進化経済学の次なる挑戦課題』、京大会館、 2006年9月29日。
  3. 井寄幸平、小田宗兵衛、
    合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2005 (JAWS 2005)、箱根ホテル小涌園、 2005年11月7-9日。
  4. Kouhei Iyori and Sobei H. Oda,
    “Prisoner's Dilemma Network: its experiments and simulations” ,
    第7回実験経済学コンファレンス・プレフォーラム・セミナーズ、京都産業大学、2003年5月22-23日、The Proceedings of the Seventh Experimental Economics Conference of Japan, pp.150-161.
  5. 井寄幸平、鳩野逸生、小田宗兵衛、上田完次、
  6. 井寄幸平、小田宗兵衛、上田完次、
    『進化経済学会第4回東京大会、中央大学駿河台記念館、 2000年3月25-26日。


  1. 井寄幸平、
  2. 井寄幸平、